Wednesday, December 19, 2007

One Semester Left

Well, I 4.0ed last semester which was unexpected and now I have one semester left before I have my bachelor's in Fisheries and Wildlife. Of course, only half my classes next semester are FW; the other half are Zoology. I am really looking forward to this semester since I only have 13 credits and no Friday classes. I have decided that it is very difficult for a full-time science major to arrange a schedule with no Friday classes. It took me 4 years, but I will finally get to experience it. I am surprised at how fast the last 4 years went by. Hopefully, the next 4 years will fly by too.


peoplearesad said...

Hi mate just found out your blog searching for veterinary students.
im studying vet too i knew i wanted this since i was kid.
anyway hows you going at uni?
im ooverhelmd by the price you have to pay in the USA to get to into in a uni too much
im studying in one of the best vet universities of Brasil and i pay $500 dolars or less per month.
what subject you really like? i prefer anatomy and patology, and small clinic I and II.i wanna work whit wild animals(are called silvestres in Brasil)but i just will ahve this subject in 8°semester.
have a great new year's

Ratboy said...

I will start the veterinary program in August, but I am looking forward to studying anatomy and small animals as well. I'm still not sure if I want to work with wild animals or not.

I didn't know there were vet schools in Brazil. I wish I only had to pay $500 a month. That's great for you.